Monday, September 14, 2009

Not blue monday....

Monday.... feeling not bad, my students is having HCL mock exam, I hope they do well

Mmmm... got a call from HDB and they say I need to go down to collect the cheque, derrrrrrr so troublesome!!
But nvm for sake of the money, I will go down collect.

Suppose to have night study today but suddenly it was cancel which means I can go back earlier haha...

The question posed had not been answered therefore I may plan to remove it since none of my students are interested in answering my questions. *thinking*

Drive back home today and saw benita, liting, neil and gang... Hope they are going back home to study and not play because it is less than a month to exam!!!

REMINDER: Please do your poster for learning journey ASAP!!!

Ok, Shall go and attack my dinner *slurp*

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